Monday, December 30, 2019

Benefits And Risks Of Diversity - 1232 Words

From an organisational level, human beings are all uniquely different, so there is very little information about the likeness of people. Thus, the knowledge in this matter is more related to the conception, scope, benefits and risks of diversity in the workplace. Organisational psychologists consider that the perception of this concept has changed. Companies used to associate diversity with differences in terms of demographic aspects such as age, race, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities (Mor Barak 2011). However, this concept has changed with time. Currently, personality traits, cognitive and behavioural aspects are also taken into account when managing diversity (Thomas, 2006). Furthermore, the Diversity Matters report conducted by McKinsey Co (2014) indicated that diversity has taken an important role within management strategies and managers are seeking organisational development by taking advantage of this situation since it represents an effective tool for responding to environmental challenges in business (Cummings and Worley, 2009). Yet, at the same time, managers are constantly developing strategies in order to minimize the potential chaos derived from having a diverse workforce (Cox, 2001). This essay will focus on the task of managing organisations if human beings were similar. As a hypothetical situation, it will be analysed through the existing diversity. The analysis will be carried out with regards to three related areas of management: problem-Show MoreRelatedDiversity in the Workplace Essay examples1414 Words   |  6 Pages Abstract This paper is aimed at providing a framework for discussion of diversity and how it pairs with demographic characteristics. It is divided into four parts. Part I represents diversity in the workforce, which reflects the rational of organizations and how they handle diversity in the occupations of their workers. Parts II characterize diversity and age, as it responds to the fact that older people have the skill set to keep them working well past retirement age. Part III denotes religionRead MoreThe Need for Policy Makers to Regulate Human Genetic Engineering1255 Words   |  6 PagesThis paper will then analyze the potential risks associated with HGE, which include: safety risks and a potential threat to genetic diversity causing a decrease to the human life span. 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